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FAQs ...

1. Can I order online?
At this time, we can only accept orders on this website from stockists/distributors who hold a wholesale trading account with Zilco Europe Ltd.

2. How can I find a stockist?
A stockist locator for the UK and Europe can be found on our website here

3. How can I find a stockist outside the UK & Europe?
Please refer to Question 5 (below) for instructions on how to navigate directly to one of our other websites. If you are unable to locate a stockist in your country, please feel free to contact us for help.

4. Are my details secure?
We take the privacy of our customers very seriously. We do not collect any personal information from visitors to our site.

5. I can only see Pound Sterling prices - how can I see the Euro price?
At the top of any page on our site, there is a Region menu on the right hand side where you can select the Euro option. If you are from a region outside the UK & Europe, you can also use this menu to jump to our New Zealand website (for NZ visitors) or our Australian website (for all other regions)