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V22 – The veterinary perspective


"Tendon injuries are frequently occurring in sport horses.

The temperature in the center of the tendon during exercise can be one of the contributing factors in the development of tendon injuries as it has been proven to damage collagene. Also, the cooling mechanism of blood flow does not operate sufficiently because the tendon is deficient in blood vessels at its center.

The patented V22 Lamicell technology will help to dissipate heat and can therefore be an aid in the prevention of tendon injuries.

As a veterinarian, I am happy to see the innovative focus of Lamicell oriented toward function and safety, and therefore I would highly recommend the use of the V22 protection boots."

- Dr Hilde Vrancken

 Reference: Journal of Equine Science, vol 12, n°3 , pp 85- 91


 Click here to view the range of V22 Boots